If you believe you've witnessed a UFO, there are several steps you should follow to ensure your report is taken seriously - ...
"Congress has redefined what were formerly called 'unidentified flying objects' [UFOs] to first 'unidentified aerial ...
Interest in UFOs has skyrocketed, with online searches for “UFO sightings” growing by over 5,000% recently… As UFO sightings make waves in the press and spark conversations everywhere, it’s clear that ...
Panic and excitement can distort details, so remaining as composed as possible is important. Many UFO sightings have logical ...
An airport in Turkey was forced to suspend operations after a mysterious unidentified flying object was spotted in the sky. The incident occurred on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 10 p.m. after pilots ...
UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, have been the subject of stories rather often in the pages of the Sheboygan Press.
Encourage them to document their experience separately.
With all the sightings of strange objects in the sky, people have been wondering for decades what these things can be.
This different ball game seems to be right up the alley of UFO expert and author Malcolm Robinson, as he has been studying ...
A congressional task force will interview "first-hand witnesses" of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, U.S. Rep.
Congress held its first hearing in half a century Tuesday on unidentified flying objects. And no, there is still no government confirmation of extraterrestrial life.