Vishal starrer Madha Gaja Raja added Rs 40 lakh to the tally on Day 17. The action comedy continues to lure the audience. Deets!
Vishal and Sundar Cs sensational Pongal blockbuster Madha Gaja Rajas Telugu dubbed version hit the screens on January 31 with the same name. Heres what Telugu audiences have to say about the movie.
Directed by Sundar C, Madha Gaja Raja continues to attract the audience. The Tamil long-delayed release is targeting a finish ...
Sivakarthikeyan's new film title 'Parasakthi' ignites controversy, with the All India Sivaji Forum urging respect for actor ...
Over the years, the Tamil film industry—which is renowned for its inventive storytelling and inventive cinema—has created ...
Geetha 2, starring Srinagara Kitty and Rachita Ram in lead roles, along with Chetan Chandra and Ragini Dwivedi in cameo ...
Actor Vishal celebrated the success of his film 'Madha Gaja Raja', grossing over Rs 50 crore despite a 12-year delay. He ...
Filmmakers avoid simultaneous high-budget film releases to evade competition and maximize earnings. Scheduling films ...
adding that 48 lakh new members joined the party in it's recent membership drive. Lastly, Annamalai said the BJP has encouraged people to re-examine their understanding of Tamil Nadu's history.