Florida Rep. Hillary Cassel switches to the GOP, becoming second Democratic state lawmaker to change parties this month.
The Conservatives have shared their latest plan to bring down the Liberal government next month.A House of Commons committee ...
Editor's Note: This is a part of YourTango's Opinion section where individual authors can provide varying perspectives for ...
Readers discuss the change in leadership in the Victorian opposition and the popularity or otherwise of Anthony Albanese and ...
Deputy PM and Ed Miliband are just two of the high-profile frontbenchers who would be booted out of Parliament if a general ...
Taylor Swift “ghosted” a senior Liberal Democrat who tried to arrange a meeting with her and spent £1,000 of taxpayers’ money ...
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The polls give a broad indication of the trend in opinion, and the picture is not cheering for the established parties.
High-profile figures ranging from billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk to rapper and model Amber Rose threw their support behind President-elect Donald Trump and the MAGA agenda this year.
While the documentary offers a damning portrait of the Israeli premier, it seeks to redeem the Israeli state from all his wrongdoings ...
Peter Fonseca, MP for Mississauga East-Cooksville and the chair of the committee, wants to spend federal money to provide ...