Ty and Stupe are both looking to hire assistants, and Ty is trying to not judge a book by its cover – its slimy, eerie, evil ...
Peter must gain his family’s respect back after he makes a humiliating throw; Brian and Stewie become chiropractors. Oktoberfest, Family Photographer, Karate Sensei, Stanley Tucci ...
Judy tells a story to help Alanis Morissette fall asleep. Beef’s romantically obsessed stalker, Zelda Blop, returns to Lone Moose with a surprise.
For whatever reason, season 36 of The Simpsons has been THE year for Flanders. Between the X-mas special and the Pin Pals and now this week’s episode which is all about the longtime neighbors ...
Overall, this arc felt like an extended teaser for Season 3 rather than a standalone story. The animation remains top-tier, and both the opening and ending themes helped bring emotional depth, but the ...
Probably because it had Satan’s long flowing locks and glowing blue eyes and, oh yeah, THIS SHOW HAS NEVER SHOWN US A YETI ...
Regarding its supporting cast, Ryan Negrón was the biggest surprise that elevated the English dub version’s existence regarding his performance as Luke Braveheart.  Similar to Natsuko, the leader of ...
The day of the Level Six Badge Test has finally arrived. The venue is the memorable place where Inori first met Hikaru. When ...
Arinsu, Kuu, and Duu manage to defeat their Tamagami to get the One Star Dragon Ball. Meanwhile, Vegeta does the same to get ...
Add Al Jean to the growing choir of producers like Jon Lovitz and Mike Reiss who want to revive the classic primetime ...