Twenty years after the devastating tsunami that hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the province of Aceh has returned to peace after a civil war and is now living under Koranic law. Our ...
Through collaborations with communities, Mercy Corps is supporting locally led disaster preparedness in the wake of the 2004 ...
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - Traumatised by the Indian Ocean tsunami that hit Indonesia 20 years ago, Teuku Hafid Hududillah has spent his adult life making sure that if disaster strikes ...
Muzayin Nazaruddin does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations ...
Salah satu usaha untuk merawat memori atas bencana adalah dengan membangun monumen. Namun, banyak monumen bencana di Aceh yang justru tidak memicu ingatan penyintas akan tsunami. Mengapa demikian?
The tsunami waves it triggered spread across ... one of the greatest natural disasters in modern history. But it was Aceh, Indonesia – a province already blighted by decades of civil war ...
Two decades after a catastrophic tsunami destroyed her village, Tria Asnani still cries when she recalls how she lost her mother while trying to escape the giant waves and her father to the sea ...
But Indonesia’s Aceh province ... Across the province, memories of the tsunami can be felt almost everywhere. The Aceh Tsunami Museum in Banda Aceh houses photos of the aftermath and vehicle ...
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia — People gathered in prayer and visited mass graves in Indonesia’s Aceh province on Thursday to mark 20 years since the massive Indian Ocean tsunami hit the region in one ...
The 22-minute documentary features survivors and how they rebuilt their lives after the disaster. Read more at ...
Marlina tampak begitu menikmati sajian gulai kambing dengan rempah-rempah khas Aceh Besar yang disajikan dengan batang pisang ...