Schadler recognized for innovative research and advancements in the understanding of polymer nanocomposites.
A transformative moment for the university, a result of decades of investment in cutting-edge research and development, ...
The senator’s travel and campaign materials are the first wave of his vast collection to be available for public research.
Some efforts to preserve or rewild natural habitats are shifting productive landscapes to other parts of the world—and this ...
Valentine's Day marks a special anniversary for the University of Vermont. Starting on Feb. 14, 1955, UVM Extension has produced "Across the Fence" a daily, noon-time television program. Today that ...
The hallways at the Larner College of Medicine have created and supported love stories throughout the years. During a month that puts heart health and romance in the spotlight, we celebrate the ...
The UVM Cat ECare team is thrilled to announce the upcoming Have a Heart, Save a Life! event, set to take place on Wednesday, February 19th. The event is a perfect opportunity to learn a variety of ...
The world of medicine is increasingly recognizing the importance of explicit attention to the humanities. After all, if medicine is devoted to making sense of what it means to be sick, then it is the ...
We created a glossary because we saw a need to standardize and clarify language being used when discussing food safety in aquaponic and hydroponic operations. This glossary is our attempt at that ...
Community Entrepreneurship instills the foundations of successful enterprise development including strategic business planning, marketing techniques, and market analyses and projections. If there was ...
Interdisciplinary Perspective. Numerous Career Pathways. Are you interested in a career in the helping professions? Do you want to develop a deep interdisciplinary understanding of human development ...
These are established programs that provide paid opportunities to conduct biologically-related research, and typically involve an individual research project. They are listed in chronological order by ...